National Strategy  Global Vision  Decision-Making Consultation  Public Opinion Guidance

Characteristic Teams

Research TeamsCharacteristic Teams

Chongyang Financial Studies Team

Conduct research on G20 issues, the Silk Road Economic Belt, Internet finance, financial reform and other major fields.

Socialist Economic Theory Team

Conduct continuous research on socialist economic theory and practice. The team touches upon such fields as Marxist political and economic basic theories, socialist economic theory and China’s economic reform.

Macroeconomic Forum Team

Focus on China’s macroeconomic analysis and forecast. Since the official establishment of the permanent high-end academic platform “China Macroeconomic Forum” in 2006, the team has been releasing reports on a regular basis.

New Urbanization Team

Focus on key theories and practices of “Five-in-One” (economic, political, social, cultural and ecological construction) and synchronous development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization in China’s current new-type urbanization and dedicated to conducting research in the new-type urbanization field.

Thoughts and Ideology Team

Focus continuously on basic theories of Marxism, development history of Marxism, localization of Marxism in China, history and construction of the CPC, development of Marxist theory, all-around building of a well-off society, construction of the ruling party and other research fields and aspects and provide decision-making consultation services for relevant departments and all sectors of the society.

Legal Construction Team

Focus continuously on key theoretical issues addressing state demands in the fields of constitutional, administrative, civil and commercial laws and actively participate in legislation practice.

Democratic Theory Team

The team enjoys a leading position in domestic research and discipline construction of comparative politics and is supported by the Comparative Politics Research Institute of RUC.

Social Security Team

Unite domestic and overseas social security experts in the fields of social security, old-age insurance, medical insurance and disaster relief so as to jointly push forward domestic research on social security theory and policy and contribute to the reform and sustainable development of domestic social security system. The team has become a vital think tank team in China’s social security field and relevant areas.

Population Studies Team

The team has long been dedicated to relevant research on population science with an international perspective, solid knowledge on domestic practice and the focus on societal transformation of scientific achievements and actively provides consultations, suggestions and services for government policy making.

Employment Research Team

Focus on the 3 research areas of domestic employment situation and trends, employment and unemployment theories and employment policy.

Research Teams