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Think Tank Achievement Research Reports




Contributions Wanted for the Journal of State Governance

I. Basic information

The Journal of State Governance is a think tank academic journal sponsored by RUC NADS, a high-end national think tank (website: It focuses on conducting in-depth research and analysis as to state governance issues. Contribution areas include global governance, political governance, economic governance, social governance, cultural governance, military governance, sci-tech governance and ideological governance. Research findings as to key state governance issues beyond such areas are also welcomed.

The Journal of State Governance has always been holding onto the right political direction, combining theory with reality, valuing theoretical innovation and idea expansion, paying attention to major state governance issues and contributing to China’s state governance, reforms and revitalization.

The Journal adopts an anonymous review system that takes quality of paper for the sole publishing standard. Authors will receive two copies of the journal concerned and generous contribution fees once their paper is published. All contributors both at home and abroad are welcomed here.

II.Instruction for contribution

1. Contributions shall be sent to the Email address in Word format.

2. Length of the contribution is preferably kept within 10,000 to 20,000 words. Extremely outstanding ones may be exempted from such limit.

3. Please note on the first page the author’s name, organization, title, post, postal address, phone number and Email address for the convenience of contact.

4. The Journal is entitled to modify the received contributions according to the sample. Authors disapproving modification shall indicate as such when submitting contributions. Authors who receive no notice of acceptance within four months after sending their contributions may contribute to other journals. Contributions published do not represent the viewpoint of the Journal and the author shall take sole responsibility for his article.

III.Writing specification

Contributions shall conform to the following requirements and stylistic rules:

1. Chinese and English paper titles, author’s name, author’s organization, abstract and key words. Chinese abstract shall be kept within about 300 words and key words shall be kept within 3 to 5.

2.Heading level: level 1 heading shall be in the format of “一、二”, level 2 “(一)、(二)”, level 3 “1. 2.” and level 4 “(1)、(2)”. “[此处序号似乎保留中文较合适]Chapters and articles” in relevant systems shall stay the same.

3. Font: Chinese main body shall be of “16 pounds, SimHei” (三号黑体)[此类对照中文暂保留,请根据客户需求删留], Chinese subtitle “12 pounds, SimSun” (小四宋体) ; level 1 heading “14 pounds, FangSong, bold” (四号仿宋加粗) and level 2 heading “12 pounds, FangSong” (小四仿宋). Other parts and the main text shall be of “10.5 pounds, SimSun” (五号宋体). Abstract and key words shall be of “10.5 pounds, KaiTi” (五号楷体) and the words “abstract, key words” shall be bold.

For English paper, the title, author’s name, author’s organization, abstract and key words shall adopt the font of “Times New Norman”; the English title shall be in the format of “14 pounds, bold” (四号加粗) and the English subtitle “12 pounds” (小四); the author’s name shall be typed with the font size of “10.5 pounds” (五号); the author’s organization, abstract and key words “9 pounds” (小五), and the abstract and the key words shall be in bold.

4. Figure and table format: figures and tables shall be placed in the main body in sequence and labelled as Figure 1, Figure 2 and so on or Table 1, Table 2 and so on; the serial number of figures and tables shall be two spaces away from the title; figure and table titles shall be typed in the format of “9 pounds, SimSun, bold” (小五宋体加粗) and centered. Words in the table shall be of “9 pounds, SimSun” (小五宋体), notes to figures and tables “7.5 pounds, SimSun” (六号宋体); words in figures shall be of proper font size.

5. Terminology: see the Handbook for Translation of English Names published by the Commercial Press and other relevant reference books for names of people and places. See relevant national standards for legal and political terminologies. Please maintain consistency of such terminologies.

6. Note and bibliography: footnote shall be used and the serial number shall be in the format of ①②③. Renumber the note on each page; Chinese footnote shall be of “9 pounds, SimSun” (小五宋体) and English footnote “Times New Norman”.

Format for cited works in the main text:

Please follow the examples when citing Chinese works in the main text:

As sentence constituents:

2 authors: A and B (2006)

3 and more authors: A et al. (2001)

Not as sentence constituents:

2 authors: (A and B, 2006)

3 and more authors: (A et al., 2001)

Please follow the examples when citing foreign works in the main text:

As sentence constituents:

2 authors: Gaspar & Massa (2006)

3 and more authors: (Campbell et al., 2001)

Not as sentence constituents:

2 authors: (Gaspar and Massa, 2006)

3 and more authors: Campbell et al. (2001)

Foreign language and Arabic numerals shall be in Times New Roman.

Literature type:

Based on GB3469-83 Codes for Documentary Types and Documentary Carriers, literature types are marked by single English letters:

M——Monograph (including historical records and annals in ancient books)

C——Collected paper







A——Article from monograph and collected paper

Z——Other unspecified literature type

Electronic literature types are marked by double English letters:


CP——Computer program

EB——Electronic bulletin

Types and carriers shall be marked for non-paper carried electronic literature:

DB/OL——Database online

DB/MT——Database on magnetic tape

M/CD——Monograph on CD ROM

CP/DK——Computer program on disk

J/OL——Journal serial online

EB/OL——Electronic bulletin board online

Format of bibliography:

1. Author for Chinese Journal.Title[J].Name of Journal, Publication Year, Volume(Issue).

Author for English Journal.Title[J].Name of Journal, Publication Year, Volume (Issue): Pages.

2. Author for Monograph.Book Name[M].Edition(1st edition needs no noting).Publisher, Publication Year.

3. Author for collected paper.Title[C].Compiler.Name of collected paper, Publisher, Publication Year.

4. Author for Academic Paper.Title[D].Organization, Year.

5. Patent Document Title[P].Country.Type of Patent Document.Patent Number.Publication Date.

6. Standard Number.Standard Name [S].

7. Author for Newspaper.Title[N].Newspaper Name.Publication Date.

8. Author for Report.Title[R].Place Kept, Year.

9. Author for Electronic Document.Title[Electronic Document Type and Carrier Type].Source, Date.


1. For journal documents:

Jiao Yixue, Liu Yongtao. A Community Development Approach to the Conservation and Improvement of Historic Conservation Areas [J].Journal of Chongqing Jianzhu University, 2008, No. 4.

2. For English journal documents:

Harry Markowitz. Portfolio Selection [J].The Journal of Finance, 1952, 7(1):77-91.

Brown, G. and N. Kapadia, Firm-Specific Risk and Equity Market Development [J], Journal of Financial Economics, 2007, 84: 358-388.

3. For newspaper:

Hu Jintao. Hold High the Great Banner of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive for New Victories in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects-Report to the 17th National Congress of the CPC [N]. People’s Daily, 2007-10-15.

4. For books:

Ji Xiaolan. On the Nature of City [M].China Social Sciences Publishing House, 2002.

Editorial Department for the Journal of State Governance