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LIU Qing: Achievements, Progress and Direction of Optimizing China's Business Environment


LIU Qing, Deputy Dean of the National Academy of Development and Strategy and Professor at the School of Economics at Renmin University of China, published an article on People’s Daily. This article discusses the importance and necessity of optimizing the business environment in the context of comprehensive deepening of reforms, and proposes future practical paths based on China’s current achievements and challenges.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, significant progress has been made in “streamlining administration and delegating power,” tax and fee reductions, regional integration, anti-monopoly legislation, intellectual property protection, and optimizing the use of foreign capital. However, issues remain in the market competition mechanism, the legal system, the quality of public services, and the evaluation system for the business environment.

To further optimize the business environment, the article proposes four practical paths:

1. Adhering to the principle of competitive neutrality by clearing explicit and implicit barriers, establishing a fair competition review system, and improving the financing support system for private and small enterprises.

2. Improving the “1+N+X” regulatory and policy framework for the business environment by removing institutional barriers, promoting public participation in legislation, and perfecting the fault-tolerance and error-correction mechanism.

3. Enhancing the quality of public services for international trade and investment by strengthening the construction of “smart customs” and “smart ports,” and promoting the sharing of government data resources and the high-quality development of “Internet+ government services”.

4. Building a scientific and comprehensive evaluation system for the business environment by improving top-level design, creating operational evaluation indicators, making relevant government information and basic data public, and incorporating the optimization of the business environment into the performance evaluations of local governments.

Through these paths, the article aims to continuously improve the business environment and achieve the construction of a high-level socialist market economy system.

(Translated by ZHANG Yuqing; Proofread by YANG Fanxin)