National Strategy  Global Vision  Decision-Making Consultation  Public Opinion Guidance

Research Reports

Think Tank Achievement Research Reports




Contributions Wanted for Problems and Solutions

Problems and Solutions is an internal publication sponsored by RUC and aims to provide policy suggestions for CPC and state leaders and relevant departments on major national strategic issues or hot issues. Currently, Problems and Solutions is undertaken by RUC, NADS and serves as a platform for achievements and key reports of various think tanks of RUC. To encourage RUC scholars to transform outstanding scientific research achievements into government policies and fundamental guidelines, and to better give play to the policy consultation and talent cultivation functions, Problems and Solutions will openly collect contributions from RUC teachers and researchers.

Requirements for contributions are as follows:

1. Analyze and provide policy suggestions on major strategic issues and prospective issues in national and social development;

2. Provide timely policy suggestions or decision-making basis for relevant CPC and state departments on current hot issues

3. Conduct case-by-case analysis and avoid general talks. The length shall be controlled within 3,000 to 4,000 words and an abstract under 500 words shall be written;

4. Choose plain, simple and refined wording and avoid excessive academic terms. Bibliography or mathematical formula are not needed. A small number of tables and charts are allowed.

The NADS Editorial Department for Problems and Solutions will timely arrange review and modification of contributions and inform the author of the final result within 10 working days.

Contribution Email:; NADS website:


Editorial Department for Problems and Solutions

September 16, 2013