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ZHANG Donggong: New Quality Productive Forces:Theoretical Novelty, Formation Mechanism and Perspectives

ZHANG Donggang published a new paper on the Applied Economic Review, titled New Quality Productive Forces:Theoretical Novelty, Formation Mechanism and Perspectives. Abstract as following,

The theory of new quality productive forces enriches the Marxist principle of pro- ductivity force and transforms the production function theory, which is the latest theoretical in- novation of Xi Jinping's economic thought, addressing the challenges of high-quality develop- ment and providing scientific guidance for building China into a modern socialist country in all aspects and advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through a Chinese path to modernization. The formation mechanism of new quality productive forces should align with the law of innovation, with innovativenessinclusiveness, advancement, greenness, and open- ness, laying an important material and technological foundation for Chinese modernization. Compared with the essential requirements of Chinese modernization there are still theoretical limitations and practical challenges in accelerating the development of new quality productive forces,including building an industrial policy system centered on innovation, enhancing the strategic support role of the national innovation system, unimpeded virtuous circle of education, science and technology talents, giving full play to the advantages of the mega mar- ket size, and deepening comprehensive reform on the market-based allocation of production factors. To this end, it is necessary to emancipate the mind further, promote theoretical inno- vation from the perspective of overall modernization, and thoroughly study the impact of the development of new quality productive forces on the major social contradictions to form new productive relations compatible with the new quality productive forces, and to continuously promote the modernization of China's system and capacity for govemance,

Key words: New Quality Productive Forces; Formation Mechanism; Key Development Areas; Strategic Concept; Political Economy with Chinese Characteristics
